Download Tiles From Google Maps
- Apr 9, 2012 - Как-то после всего этого я вспомнил, что google map api позволяет сделать свою реализацию карты (например как это советую.
- Arc2Earth - Create Map Tiles скачать видео - Download. Еще Свернуть. Похожие видео. How to convert 'kmz' from google earth to.
Hi, I am an English User. After translating and investigating this site from Russian to English as well as and third party sites and I have had mixed experience in getting SAS Planet working. I though my experiences may be helpful to both SASGIS and others, in particular English speaking users. Some of the Lessons learnt: Google Maps Install and unzip the nightly build from here Also download and upack into the same directory at least and possibly also Read more help in the forum here It helps to translate this site and this forum page in English using Google Translate Windows 7 Users 1. I have used SASGIS on both Windows XP and Windows 7. In Windows 7, under Settings Options Cache Native Cache Folder path - the path should not be set to C: Program Files. As saving to this parth require administration rights.
Доступ к сервисам Google Maps и Bing Maps из ArcGIS с использованием расширения. Тайл (tile) сервисы) активно внедряются и интегрируются в классические. Сайта по адресу:. Структура хранения тайлов соответствует спецификации Tile Map Service. На странице Tiles à la Google Maps наглядно представлено сравнение.
When set to this path the program appears to download tiles but nothing happens. Once I set the path outside of Program Files, Google Maps downloaded straight away Lockout If this occurs turn your modem on and off and your computer will be assigned a new IP address and you can continue downloading rather than 'waiting days' Questions 1.
I cant get any 'Google Earth' Maps to work either to display or download tiles. I note under 'SettingsMap Settings for Google Earth Map - Earth (dbcache.dat) in the box 'Url' box it is blank' and the box 'Download state' it says 'Disabled by Zmp No write access to tile storage'. By Comparison any of the other Google Earth Services the 'Url' box it says 'and in the 'download state' box it says ' 'Yes'.
But none ofthese services work. Can you please clarify if any of the Google Earth services works or not. Any help to get this working for English users would be greatly appreciated. When downloading Google Maps, I did a small test area aat zoom level 19 it seem to download at the right resolution.
When I downloaded a larger area at Zoom 19, it seemed to dowload tiles at about zoom 14 or 15 which is no use. Any help on what am I doing wrong and how to fix this would be apprecated. When stiting images together using OperationsSelection ManagerLast SelectionStitch Tab the ECW not only is at thelesser resolution referred to in 2 above, certain areas are distoed and stretched or blurred. Is this a memory problem in creating a large ECW. Should I try smaller areas? How can I prevent this from happening?
Thank you again SASGIS, I am sure it is worth while persevering for all those like me in English who have struggled to get it to work. Cheers Regarding my question 1 in the previous post about how to get Gogle Earth Imagery to work I have also set the Map settings for Google Earth - Earth (dbcache.dat) under SettingsOptionsCache TabGoogle Earth Cache FolderPath to the same path where the google earth cache file dbcache.dat file is located. However despite making this setting as described in the wiki and the forum I still cant get Google Earth tiles to display or download. I would be grateful if you can advise what I need to do to get it to work or if it doesnt work any more (as referred to 'Disabled by Zmp. No write access to tile storage) I would be grateful if that could be confirmed so I dont spend any more time trying.
Thanks again. Cheers Новичок Сообщения: 5 Зарегистрирован: 04 июн 2012, 09:52 Благодарил (а): раз. Поблагодарили: 0 раз. Please learn about Google Earth LOCAL here - I can only see this forum topic in Russian and unfortunately I cant read in Russian I am translating your forum using When I go to this page it prompts me to logon using my username and password. As soon as I logon on, I lose the translation. If I refresh the page (using the translation service) it logs me out returns me to the SASPlanet home page. Can you suggest how I can both logon and view the English Translation for this forum topic?
If this is not possible someone to use a translation tool and save as a PDF and email the translated PDF to me? Thank you again for your assistance. Regards OzUser Новичок Сообщения: 5 Зарегистрирован: 04 июн 2012, 09:52 Благодарил (а): раз. Поблагодарили: 0 раз. When downloading Google Maps, I did a small test area aat zoom level 19 it seem to download at the right resolution. When I downloaded a larger area at Zoom 19, it seemed to dowload tiles at about zoom 14 or 15 which is no use. Any help on what am I doing wrong and how to fix this would be apprecated.
When Google Map images are stitched together does it reduce the resolution from z19 to z14? Is there anything I can do to improve the resoltion of the stiched image? Новичок Сообщения: 5 Зарегистрирован: 04 июн 2012, 09:52 Благодарил (а): раз. Поблагодарили: 0 раз. When stiting images together using OperationsSelection ManagerLast SelectionStitch Tab the ECW not only is at thelesser resolution referred to in 2 above, certain areas are distoed and stretched or blurred.
Is this a memory problem in creating a large ECW. Should I try smaller areas? How can I prevent this from happening? I have attached a screen shot of a portion of the image that shows the distortion. The distortion appears in some areas of the image but not all. Is there a technique or approach that avoids this from happening? Is it a memory issue?
Вложения Новичок Сообщения: 5 Зарегистрирован: 04 июн 2012, 09:52 Благодарил (а): раз. Поблагодарили: 0 раз. Yea, its some trouble. But you can found almost all important things about GE.Local here: Interestingly Google translate would not translate this page but Microsoft Bing did. I was finally able to correctly set up Google Earth tiles and get it to work It really was very simple and elegant in the end so was very much worth persevering. I also now understand about geo chacher and how it works but i couldn't down load geo cacher.
I can only understand the page by translating it but the download then doesn't work. Any advice on how to logon see the pages in English and download these files and Save at same resolution them would be welcome. Thanks again Regards OzUser One other question - the resolution from stitch and saving an ECW seemed worse than what I could see in SAS Planet.
Can I save somehow in Geotiff instead of ECW? Новичок Сообщения: 5 Зарегистрирован: 04 июн 2012, 09:52 Благодарил (а): раз. Поблагодарили: 0 раз.